“State of the SDGs”: the events
2019 Global Development Conference (Bonn, Germany)
Southern Voice is present at the 2019 Global Development Conference in Bonn-Germany. It will host a cocktail on October 24 and a panel discussion on October 25 with presentations by SVSS researchers .

Southern Voice partner of Global Goals Week
For the first time, Southern Voice was a partner of Global Goals Week (GGW), which took place between 21-30 September 2019. Rather than organizing one big event in New York during those days and having our researchers fly in from all over the world, we organized five events on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in different countries of the Global South. They took place in Ghana, India, Nigeria, Sri Lanka and online (by teams in Peru and Bolivia). The panels covered three critical SDGs, namely SDG 4 (quality education), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) and SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth). By “staying local” and avoiding lengthy flights we also like to think that we contributed to SDG 13 (climate action). Read about all events here.
APE 2019 Congress (Lima, Peru)
On August 9, Southern Voice hosted a panel discussion during the 2019 Congress of the Peruvian Association of Economics. Focused on the issues of education and employment in Peru and Bolivia, the event featured presentations of the “State of the SDGs” case studies by Lorena Alcazar (GRADE) and Werner Hernani-Limarino (ARU Foundation). Read more.

Case Studies Launch (NYC, USA)
On Friday, July 12, we officially launched the first phase of the “State of the SDGs’ report, on the sidelines of the 2019 High Level Political Forum (HLPF). The six lead researchers behind the country case studies presented their findings to an audience of development partners and decision-makers. The topics were education (SDG 4), access to clean energy (SDG 7) and decent employment (SDG 8). A keynote address was provided by former president of Costa-Rica, Laura Chinchilla Miranda. Read more.
Roads to 2030 Exhibition (NYC, USA)
On 9-18 July, during the 2019 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York, we presented the six “State of the SDGs” country case studies as a photo and video exhibit. Displayed along the South Wall of the United Nations headquarters, it featured photographs from Bolivia, Ghana, India, Nigeria, Peru and Sri Lanka, infographics highlighting the studies’ key findings, and video interviews on the topics of Leave No One Behind, Synergies and trade-offs and Global systemic concerns. Read more

2019 T20 Summit (Tokyo, Japan)
On May 27, 2019, Southern Voice partnered with JICA RI to organize one of the T20 Summit’s official side events in Tokyo, Japan. The discussion brought together “State of the SDGs” researchers from Nigeria and Bangladesh, as well as guest experts from Mexico, Japan and Rwanda. They shared perspectives on regional challenges to the implementation of the SDGs. Read more
FORO ALC 2030 Meeting (Santiago, Chile)
On April 22 2019, Southern Voice, the United Nations Foundation and Espacio Público co-hosted a panel on the connections between decent employment (SDG 8) and quality education (SDG 4) in Latin America. The event took place within the framework of the 3rd meeting of the Forum of the Countries of Latin America and the Caribbean on Sustainable Development in Santiago, Chile. Read more

Asia-Pacific People’s Forum on Sustainable Development (Bangkok, Thailand)
During the Asia-Pacific People’s Forum on Sustainable Development in Bangkok – Thailand, Southern Voice organised a workshop on the challenges to decent work in the age of digitised globalisation. This workshop brought together 50 participants from various sectors.
Southern Voice Research Conference (Bangkok, Thailand)
From 15-16 November 2018, Southern Voice hosted a Research Conference in Bangkok, Thailand. The issues of focus included important cross-cutting themes for the implementation of the SDGs, relevant to all countries and policy areas. The topics included: ensuring no one is left behind, dealing with synergies and trade-offs among different policy areas of the 2030 agenda, exploring the connections between global and national policies, and promoting effective development cooperation. Read more
It was also the opportunity for Southern Voice to host its first communications workshop, which allowed the communications officers of the six “State of the SDGs” country teams to discuss best practices and align their strategies ahead of the publication of the first materials. Read more