See the call for inputs and all other information here.

Southern Voice is thrilled to invite you to participate in sharing stories and strategies to rebalance power in the knowledge ecosystem. This storytelling project is part of an initiative on international research partnerships in collaboration with the Institute for Development Studies (IDS), and supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC)

A recent synthesis report brings together perspectives from across the Global South and North to explore the complexities and challenges of promoting equity in research. In it, we propose a framework to guide future work on equity in research, particularly in the research for development sphere. It centers on rebalancing power in the knowledge ecosystem with the aim of advancing research aligned with societal needs.

Your input could be a real-life example, observation, or a strategy that can be a source of inspiration and mutual learning. Through this storytelling activity, your insights will be the basis for strategising a long-term action and research agenda. Additionally, they will be shared with a broader community of actors committed to change in the research field, such as donors, research leaders and others.

To apply, we kindly ask you to send the following information to Geetika Khanduja

  • Name and email (required): Please provide your full name and e-mail address.
  • Organisation (optional): If you are associated with an organisation, specify the institution  for which you are currently working.
  • Overview of Potential Story (required): In a few sentences (300 words maximum), provide a brief overview of the idea you wish to share. Summarise your story or strategy and include how you think the story relates to the proposed framework. 

We encourage you to provide a concise but informative overview that allows us to assess the potential of your idea accurately.