A post-pandemic Social Contract: Perspectives from International Civil Society

Online Working Session, February 4th 2022 (by invitation only)

9:00h (New York) / 15:00h (Madrid) / 16:00h (Nairobi) / 22:00h (Seoul)

On 10 September 2021, UN Secretary-General António Guterres unveiled the report Our Common Agenda, which presents his recommendations on how to take forward the commitments expressed by the UN General Assembly in the UN75 Declaration. It offers concrete ideas on a politically bold strategy for change, with a premium on accelerating the implementation of existing agreements, beginning with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Among other proposals to build momentum towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN Secretary-General calls for a World Social Summit in 2025, to revisit essential building blocks of the social contract upon foundations of trust; inclusion, protection and participation; and what matters to people and the planet. The outcome of the Summit could be an update of the 1995 Copenhagen Declaration on Social Development, covering issues such as universal social protection, universal health coverage, adequate housing, education for all and decent work.

Through an interactive, Chatham House rules discussion, civil society representatives will have an opportunity to share their views on priority issues and deliverables for a World Social Summit in 2025. And Club de Madrid Members – former Heads of State and/or Government with vast experience of policy-making, political leadership and global governance – can act as political sounding boards for these proposals, listen to civil society views and expectations and help frame the issues as they align with UN Member States’ own objectives.


The virtual working session will be held virtually using the Zoom platform over a 90-minute period, on 4th February 2022, at 9:00h (New York) / 15:00h (Madrid) / 16:00h (Nairobi) / 22:00h (Seoul).

The discussion will be facilitated by Gabriela Keseberg Dávalos, Head of Communications, Southern Voice.

9:00h                Words of welcome

  • Maria Elena Agüero, Secretary-General, Club de Madrid
  • Andrea Ordóñez, Director, Southern Voice

9:05 – 9:15h     Kick-off presentation – Inclusive social development as a pillar of global recovery after COVID-19 – Presentation of the discussion paper

  • Hugo Ñopo, Senior researcher, Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo (GRAPE – Peru), member of Southern Voice

9:15-9:25h        First reactions based on the lessons learned for inclusive social development since the Copenhagen Declaration (1995)

  • Danilo Türk, President of Slovenia (2007-2012), President of Club de Madrid
  • Aminata Touré, Prime Minister of Senegal (2013-2014), Member of Club de Madrid
  • Juan Somavia, Ambassador of Chile to the United Nations (1990-1999), President of the Preparation Committee of the World Summit for Social Development (1993-1995), ILO Director General (1999-2012) (tbc)

9:25 – 10:25h   Interactive tour de table – Exchange of ideas with all participating organizations, on priority issues and deliverables for a World Social Summit 2025

10:25h -10:30h Moderator’s conclusions