Fasten your seatbelts, Southern Voice has been making moves! This edition of our newsletter is a ride through our latest engagements. Get ready to hop on board and see what went down. 🛫

📍🇪🇸 Madrid, Spain  – Our team, led by Executive Director Margarita Gómez and Director of Global Public Affairs, Gabriela Keseberg Dávalos, had two fantastic days in Spain’s capital. We met with valued long-term partners and exciting new collaborators for Southern Voice, including Club de MadridElcano Royal InstituteFundación CarolinaSecretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB), and The Club of Rome. It was a privilege to connect, share our upcoming work, and learn from the inspiring initiatives of these organizations.

📍🇨🇭 Bern, Switzerland –  Andrea Ordóñez, Southern Voice Senior Research Fellow, presented a keynote address at the annual conference for the Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries. Her speech addressed the structural transformations needed to drive change towards more equitable arrangements across the North-South Divide. Additionally, she showcased our work on equitable partnerships, which you can read here.

📍🇰🇪 Nairobi, Kenya – Southern Voice was present at this year’s United Nations Civil Society Conference from 9-10 May, represented by our Network Engagement Officer, Zamiyat Abubakar. We co-hosted the workshop “Inclusive Global Governance: From Ideas to Action” in partnership with Plataforma CIPÓ. It was based on the policy brief “Strengthening citizen participation in global governance”, co-authored by Southern Voice, United Nations FoundationBlue Smoke and Iswe. It highlighted the importance of inclusive global governance in addressing global and intergenerational challenges and showcased four civil society initiatives aimed at putting people at the heart of global governance processes. Additionally, Southern Voice was invited to give an intervention during a plenary dialogue with the co-facilitators of the Global Digital Compact (UN Missions of Sweden & Zambia). We had submitted input based on priorities emerging from across our network, earlier in the consultation process for the Compact.

📍🇩🇪 Berlin, Germany –  Gabriela Keseberg Dávalos, Director of Global Public Affairs, represented Southern Voice at the Global Solutions Summit from 6–7 May. The event aimed at addressing key policy challenges facing the G20 and G7 and other global governance fora. Alongside an esteemed panel of high-level speakers, she moderated the session “BRICS+, G20, and the Path to Collective Action.” The panel explored the evolving international order and possible collaboration between BRICS+, G20, and G7.  It also was a great opportunity to meet with some familiar faces from our network- see here for more!

📍🇧🇷 São Paulo, Brazil – On 1 May, a G20 side event “Promoting information integrity: combating disinformation, hate speech and threats to public institutions online” brought together over 500 participants from 50 countries. Guísela Almeida de Pereira, Project and Research Associate at Southern Voice joined the proceedings. Speakers discussed combating disinformation, hate speech, and threats to public institutions online. Concerns centred on negative impacts related to climate change, armed conflicts, the pandemic, and upcoming elections.

That’s a wrap! Stay tuned for more!

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