Canada welcomes southern perspectives on their SDG strategies
This September, Southern Voice representatives joined a series of events in Ottawa with Canadian civil society, academia and government [...]
This September, Southern Voice representatives joined a series of events in Ottawa with Canadian civil society, academia and government [...]
When Justin Trudeau’s government took office, one of the Prime Minister’s messages overseas was “Canada’s back,” which referred to Canada’s perceived lack of leadership on the world stage under the previous, Conservative, government.
To achieve the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) by 2030, governments need to align their fiscal policies to their development plans and put in place sound macroeconomic policies and sustainable debt management.
Southern Voice's efforts in filling data gaps to “deliver the SDGs and leave no one behind”, have been recognised as part of the Case Studies on Data for Development, of OECD’s Development Co-operation Report 2017: Data for Development.
Southern Voice is pleased to join the PCSD Partnership – a multi-stakeholder platform for enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development. The [...]
The initiative ODS Territorio Ecuador contributes to the implementation of the SDGs through the generation of participatory and multi-sector [...]
Led by Prime Minister Abbasi, Pakistan addressed this year’s UNGA in New York. This called for discourse on how [...]
Southern Voice is pleased to collaborate with On Think Tanks, Foraus and the Think Tank Hub on the upcoming Winterschool of [...]
Karin Fernando, Asia Region Coordinator and Andrea Ordóñez, the network’s Research and Partnership Coordinator, recently visited SV’s Secretariat in Dhaka to...
Download: English | French The West African Think Tank Network (WATTNet) held its first conference on 1-2 March 2016 on the overarching [...]