The focus of this study is twofold: the first objective is to investigate the extent of educational inequality—defined as disparity in educational attainment by students from different socio-economic groups. It draws upon the Living Standards Measurement Study (LSMS) data source in Benin.
The analysis shows a considerable disparity in educational attainment, with students from rural areas and northern regions of the country experiencing the lowest educational attainment. The second objective is to explore the impacts of COVID-19 on learning performance, measured through dropout and success rates. Using unique Beninese administrative data, it shows that the dropout rates increased during the year of the pandemic, with schools located inside the poor regions and outside the sanitary cordon witnessing the steepest increases. However, the success rate did not decrease in 2020.
Tutoring organised by parents’ associations to ensure the continuity of educational activities contributes to this performance.