About the initiative
Three Southern Voice teams, from India, Peru and Tanzania, looked at the impact of the digitalization of public services in their respective countries, in particular for women. The scholars provide key considerations to foster a more inclusive digitalization of education, and to promote women’s financial inclusion and economic empowerment in the post-pandemic digital era. The studies flag problematic areas in public policies and suggest improvements.

Making the Global Digital Compact work for all women and girls: priorities from the Global SouthÂ
The Global Digital Compact also has to lay the foundation for a fair, effective and inclusive digital safety regulatory framework.Â
Are Sri Lankan Women Abandoned in Digital Transformation?
This article explores the factors hindering Sri Lankan women’s access to technology and discusses ways to overcome them.
Leaving no one behind in digital delivery of public services: project synthesis
While the rapid shift to digital platforms enabled many people around the world to continue to study and work despite movement restrictions, it also revealed significant disparities and gave rise to new inequalities.
The Pandemic has snapped Communication Lines between Schools and Students in India
A crucial aspect of achieving the SDGs means equipping the country’s youth with access to digital technology.
Peru: gender gaps in digital higher education during the pandemic
An emerging challenge to "leave no one behind" in digital education involves implementing a gender approach.
Digital transformation during the pandemic: gender and higher education in Peru
Digital transformation during the pandemic: the delivery of secondary eduction in Delhi
Digital transformation during the pandemic: the case of business registration in Tanzania