Equity in Research for Development2024-09-09T09:09:24+00:00

Equity in Research for Development

About the initiative

Research partnerships between Global North and Global South countries are crucial for achieving development goals – but their underlying power dynamics may not always work as they should. This has led to a surge in efforts to promote equity including new guidelines, funding requirements, and discussions, all aimed at increasing local involvement and reshaping power imbalances in development research. 

To this end, Southern Voice is leading a project to understand and make development research more effective and equitable. Together with the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) and supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), a synthesis paper proposing a framework grounded in Southern priorities has been published.  It explores the complexities and challenges of promoting equity in research and suggests ways to strengthen agency, align objectives, and identify spaces for transformative change within the research landscape.

In June 2024, a storytelling project was launched to unearth stories of successful  North-South research partnerships.


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