Global South Perspectives2025-01-24T01:55:50+00:00

Global South Perspectives

About the initiative

In our interconnected world, hurdles like economic downturns, pandemics, and climate change affect all nations—though not equally. While there is growing recognition of how crucial the perspectives from the Global South are, discrepancies in priorities, as well as resource constraints, often hinder Southern countries’ ability to take the lead in shaping solutions to our common challenges. To help address this mismatch, Southern Voice is proud to launch the Global South Perspectives project.

This peer-reviewed collection of articles creates strategic links to vital global debates, ensuring Global South voices are heard where they matter. Each piece examines how global challenges uniquely impact Southern nations. Additionally, they recommend changes at the global decision-making level for improved national outcomes.

A series of think pieces linked below capture each article’s central themes ahead of the project’s official release.


Reshaping Discourse with Global South Perspectives


Imagine a global debate on artificial intelligence (AI) centered on advancing high-cost technologies, data privacy and ethics. While these are prominent issues for developed economies, this narrow focus risks overlooking the contrasting priorities of around 85% of the world’s population—the Global South.


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