Peace and Inclusive Institutions
About the initiative
As governments around the world imposed restrictions in response to the public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became important to understand the impacts of these actions on safeguarding peace, justice, and inclusive institutions (Sustainable Development Goal 16).
In line with this, Southern Voice collaborated with the UNDP Oslo Governance Centre (OGC) to find out how the pandemic affected existing governance trends and systems in the world, particularly in the Global South.The resulting report, titled “COVID-19 and the Crisis of Governance” includes chapters from Europe and Central Asia; Arab States; Africa; Asia; and Latin America. Southern Voice worked with the OGC to produce three of the five chapters within the report, which were authored by SV member organisations from Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

The Future of Human Rights in a changing Multilateral System: Towards Greater Inclusivity?
The post-pandemic world needs a resilient human rights and international development architecture.
Four Lessons the Pandemic has taught us on Accountability
The pandemic has reinforced some crucial lessons and taught us new ones. They can have implications on how we think of accountability as a service.
COVID-19 and the Implications for Peace and Security in Uganda
The long-term effects of COVID-19 on Uganda's civil liberties are worrisome.
Civil society’s role in promoting a fair and sustainable recovery after COVID-19
The role of CSOs is particularly relevant for the achievement of SDG 16. Yet, the civic space is shrinking worldwide.
Carolina Tchintian (3/3): Reinforcing democratic institutions to achieve SDG 16 (LATIN AMERICA)
Carolina Tchintian (1/3): Reinforcing democratic institutions to achieve SDG 16 (LATIN AMERICA)
Carolina Tchintian (2/3): Reinforcing democratic institutions to achieve SDG 16 (LATIN AMERICA)
Natasha Palansuriya: Reversing inequalities in power distribution to achieve SDG 16 (ASIA)
Adedeji Adeniran: Opportunities for a robust COVID-19 recovery grounded on SDG 16 (AFRICA)
SDG 16: 4th E-Discussion Introduction (Southern Voice x UNDP)