For the past two years Southern Voice worked successfully with think tanks from Africa, Asia and Latin America on its flagship initiative, the State of the SDGs (SVSS). Now that the first edition of this research endeavor has come to an end, we are pleased to announce that we are working on designing the second edition. 

On March 4, following the launch event of our Global Report in New York, we held a roundtable discussion on a possible SVSS II. This meeting gave us the chance to present our initial thoughts and ideas for the new edition of the State of the SDGs initiative, while also gathering feedback and current insights from development practitioners and academics based in an international hub. Representatives from the United Nations, the New School, Canadian Council for International Cooperation, the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and researchers from various regions of the Southern Voice network, participated in this lively discussion. 

We were delighted to learn that the State of the SDGs initiative has provided a new framework to look into the challenges of implementing the 2030 Agenda. The first edition of the initiative proposes looking into multiple dimensions of exclusion and exploring elements that potentially decelerate the achievement of the goals. We also use national stories to evidence the efficacy of the global partnership. 

In its second edition, the Southern Voice’s State of the SDGs initiative is committed to providing new insight. The goal is to bring into global debates knowledge designed and produced by local experts from the Global South. Key takeaways from the meeting show that the target audience is interested in topics such as finance, youth, climate and gender. At Southern Voice we are committed to finding new ways to use data to advance the achievement of the Goals, and to generate timely research that uses national and regional lenses. 

The feedback received during the roundtable will be presented to Southern Voice’s Steering Committee and will guide decisions on the new research priority areas of the SVSS II. 

We look forward to sharing more with you and also hearing from you! Ideas, approaches and possible collaborations are welcome. Please reach out to Andrea Ordóñez ( with your suggestions.