Recently, the Post-2015 Data Test released its latest report, Measuring Sustainable Development to 2030: A view from Turkey. The…

Workshop of Quality and Ethics in Research (ILAIPP).
As part of the workshop on “Quality Assurance and Ethics in Research” held on 25-26 April 2017 at ASIES – Guatemala, researchers of eight Latin American think tanks that are members of SV (i.e. ASIES – Guatemala, CADEP and ID – Paraguay, FUNDAUNGO and FUSADES – El Salvador, Fundación ARU and INESAD – Bolivia, and Grupo FARO – Ecuador) held two working meetings in which they drew up a proposal for guidelines for ILAIPP and Southern Voice’s associative work regarding SDGs in middle-income countries.

Working lunch at ASIES on 27 April 2017.
Southern Voice’s Regional Coordinator for Latin America, Pablo Hurtado and Research and Partnership Coordinator, Andrea Ordonez facilitated these meetings.
Latin America, as a region primarily composed of middle-income countries has a unique advantage to discuss the challenges of these countries in the implementation of the SDGs. Latin America can become a critical actor in promoting a truly global partnership where countries find win-win opportunities of collaboration. It was established that SV & ILAIPP’s members could contribute towards strengthening the methodologies used by official statistical institutions or responsible offices of the government, to collect data that reflect advances in SDGs. They can monitor and collect data related to aspects or indicators that are not available for state entities and governments, or are not being collected to complement official efforts. Furthermore, think tanks can play an important role in strengthening the position of the region as active participants of the universal Agenda 2030.