The UN 2030 Agenda for sustainable development encompasses a transformational vision for a world free of poverty and hunger through its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Conflict, weak institutions, and limited access to justice remain critical challenges to achieving this. Among the goals, SDG 16 is meant to promote just, peaceful, and inclusive societies. These objectives were envisioned to be indivisible: what happens in one goal will affect the other. With less than ten years left to achieve the SDGs, Southern Voice, UNDP Oslo Governance Centre, and the Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) hosted a series of virtual roundtable discussions. The aim was to review the progress of SDG 16 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in South Asia and South-East Asia. Here are a few takeouts from one of the consultations, ahead of a policy brief titled “Reversing the Inequalities in Power Distribution: Findings and Recommendations from Asia”.

Time for economic justice

Despite being a critical foundational component for reducing poverty and reducing all forms of discrimination, Asia has witnessed a sharp drop in all measurable indicators of SDG 16. Institutions that govern democracy were eroded, particularly against the backdrop of COVID-19 and the lockdowns. All types of violence against women and girls grew, and access to justice declined. Given that the region was afflicted by democratic backsliding even before the pandemic, COVID-19 had a catastrophic effect, reducing the achievements reached by the region so far. This situation, in turn, has spillover effects on other goals.

The pandemic has compounded pre-existing fiscal weaknesses, which have resulted in a “rise of poverty, inequality, and poor nutrition that is visible throughout the South Asian region”, said Avani Kapur, an expert in public financial management partaking in our roundtable. Many countries across the region have experienced declining GDP growth.  It has disproportionately affected vulnerable communities, such as women, the poor, migrant workers, and indigenous people. The economic impact of the pandemic has pushed those living in poverty and living on the edge of poverty further below the destitution line. This situation calls for a new understanding of transitional justice, one that should include economic justice.

Impact of health sector deficiencies

The inadequate financing and deficient allocation of funds in the health service sector are key issues during the pandemic. “The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the cracks in society as inequality is magnified and weaknesses in institutions that are underfunded and undersupported are highlighted”, commented Jyostna Mohan, an expert on civil society, governance and accountability issues. Gaps in data available on health care infrastructure and the readiness of medicine at the village level have deepened the rural-urban divide in accessing basic services. In fact, the black market for medicine and the shortage of oxygen indicates that cracks in healthcare service provision exist even in urban areas.

The pandemic exacerbated the trend of pre-existing inequalities. It showed through the continued oppression of people and the disempowerment of vulnerable communities. Voices of marginalised and disenfranchised communities are usually heard through local governments. They play an essential role as communicators between the public and the federal government. Drawing on insights from Bangladesh, Dr Fatemeh Kamali-Chirani, an expert in governance, stated that the pandemic temporarily halted local government elections. In its absence, the population could not get help in time, which further reduced the access to basic services of vulnerable groups.

The ones who profit

Even more concerning for sustainable development is the rise of corporate gains since the pandemic. Healthcare is a fundamental human right, and the vaccination process should leave no one behind. However, due to corporate interests, equitable distribution of vaccines is being prevented. Mainly western governments are prioritising profit pursuits of pharmaceutical giants before healthcare service delivery in developing countries. Therefore, much like dealing with any other institution, there is a critical need for transparency and comprehensive accountability in future vaccination rollouts.

Additionally, there is a growing popularity of right-wing politics in countries such as India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. The result is that the State is controlling the narrative around the pandemic. It is using information asymmetry to its advantage to expand power. According to Niranjan Sahoo, a specialist on governance, conflicts, peace and security, “States have resorted to abusing the implementation of emergency power in the name of ensuring social distancing and pandemic guidelines”. It has shrunk the democratic space through increased militarisation, power consolidation, and autocracy. Fundamental rights such as freedom of expression are curtailed.  Under the premise of controlling misinformation and fake news, the democratic space in Asia has not only regressed but has been actively closed.

“Localise” SDGs

A positive aspect of the pandemic – if there is any – is that it has exposed cracks and fault lines that pre-dated it. “At the start of the pandemic, there was a golden opportunity to assert SDG 16″, said Gus Miclat, democratisation and people-to-people solidarity advocate, adding, “Unfortunately, it has not materialised”. While the pandemic has derailed SDG achievement, it has also positively manifested the importance of transparency, decentralisation, accountability, and strong institutions. Also, it has made it clear that these elements are necessary for tackling poverty, even more so in the context of an external shock. With less than a decade left for achieving SDGs, countries need to learn from their mistakes. The localisation of SDGs to empower citizens to contribute towards their achievement is more urgent than ever.

Text editor: Gabriela Keseberg Dávalos