About the initiative
When the pandemic hit in 2020, Southern Voice members responded with timely analysis and recommendations. One year on, we are now completing a number of initiatives of our own, convening the expertise of hundreds of Global South scholars. On this page you will find the links to past and ongoing Southern Voice COVID-19 research. The aim is to build a joint post-pandemic vision through context-sensitive responses.

Southern Voice’s think tank members published widely on COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic. We have now compiled their valuable research on local solutions in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. You will find analysis on the impact the crisis is having on those regions and on the UN 2030 Agenda. Download a range of articles, research papers and multimedia presentations.

Measuring what we value: the case for a Basic Care Basket
Globally, the undervaluation of care reflects deep-rooted structural challenges, such as the persistent invisibility of unpaid labor in economic measurements and policy debates.
The Conundrums of technology-enabled Learning: three Challenges to advance in Latin America
Reflections on three aspects that hold the region back from leveraging the potential of digital technologies in education.
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on female labour vulnerability in El Salvador
Gender inequality in care work played a significant role in how the pandemic affected the labour patterns of women.
Leaving no one behind in digital delivery of public services: project synthesis
While the rapid shift to digital platforms enabled many people around the world to continue to study and work despite movement restrictions, it also revealed significant disparities and gave rise to new inequalities.
The Role of Rural Women During the Pandemic in Paraguay
We aimed to learn more about the experiences of women who depend on food assistance and worked on family farms during and after the pandemic.