About the initiative
Effectiveness of international development cooperation has gained significance in global debates. It is acknowledged that aid is a limited resource, but that it can also catalyze change.
Due to the adoption of the 2030 Agenda, the challenge to define, measure and assess the effectiveness of development aid has grown. So far, debates have focused on the provider’s side of the equation. Perspectives from recipient countries, particularly from the Global South, have been inconspicuous in the discussions on the effectiveness of development cooperation. That is why Southern Voice has taken up the task of rebuilding the dialogue from the bottom, based on Southern perspectives from recipient countries on development effectiveness.

COVID-19: A game changer for the Global South and international co-operation?
The global knowledge ecosystem is tilted towards scholars and institutions from the North, with limited access for the South even today. Inclusion of Southern scholars is still limited to participation in pre-set agendas informed by the interests of dominant groups.
Financing SDGs: Is humanitarian aid causing a diversion?
This article looks at how a higher flow of humanitarian assistance has influenced the development finance discourse.
Tackling Development Effectiveness: A spectrum of unfinished business(es)
The need to broaden focus and attention from ‘aid effectiveness’ to ‘development effectiveness’ has gained momentum with Busan HLF4. But what development effectiveness means specifically and what framework accounts for the intended shift have yet to be articulated.
New Development Landscape and its Challenges
This blog post looks at the challenges and shifts that the development landscape has experienced over the last decade. It argues for the need for developing a new methodological framework for assessing development effectiveness.
Harnessing Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Development Effectiveness
The question of whether and how Big Data could help donors, policymakers, and development professionals to get a better sense of the effectiveness of development has become more relevant.